Friday, July 29, 2011


I think this crazy chapter in my life is slowing down (((KNOCK ON WOOD))) and I hope to get back to some of the things I enjoy. 

I have accutally been making my family decent meals!  This is something that truely makes me happy.  A local grocery store had a killer deal on chicken wings, thighs, and drumbsticks so I got 5 packages.  Which means I had to do some recipe searching because I have never cooked with any of these cuts before.  I made the obvious Fried Chicken on Tuesday night.  I used the recipe out of  The Pionee Woman's cookbook. I also made these delicious Popovers they were so easy and good.  They are like my Hoot-N-Nanny Pancakes but a dinner roll vergan.  YUM

For those of you Utahians I am thinking about hosting a few Food Canning/Preseving classes. Leave me a comment if you might be interested or know someone that would be.

I have so many things I need to sew and so many things I want to make for my new home but so little time.  My list is getting longer and longer.  Here are some ideas that are on my list...

I am also going to be making very easy shmeazy citronella oil out door lanterns for my new patio... My next tutorial.  COMING VERY SOON!!!

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