Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Shepherd's Pie

This Shepherd's Pie is very normal... I just searched through other recipes for Shepherd's Pie and all of them that I saw was... I'm not gonna lie... a bit weird.  This is a recipe my mother in law has made for years and years and I have never heard anyone complain about anything she has ever made.

  • 4-5 cups mashed potatoes (about 10-12 medium sized potatoes) skinned or not its up to you
  • 1 lbs ground beef
  • onion (optional)
  • about 3 cups frozen green beans
  • about 2 cups frozen corn
  • 2 cans tomato sauce or soup (I like the sauce)
  • 2 cups grated cheese (I always keep Colby Jack cheese in my house so that's what I use)

Here are my mashed potatoes...  kinda a wierd picture, sorry, but that is my masher if you were wondering.

Now brown the ground beef in a medium sized skillet over medium heat.  If you are choosing to use onions, chop them and put them in with the hamburger to cook while browning.  At this point I also like to season the burger with salt, pepper, & garlic powder.

In a medium sized pot fill it with hot water about 1/2 full. Bring to boil.  Once boiling add beans & corn, cover, and bring to boil again stirring a few times.  Once the water begins to boil let cook for about 1 minute and remove from heat. Drain. And cover again to keep warm.

In a dutch oven or a 9x13 baking dish you will add all the ingredients in layers in this order...
First the ground beef then the green beans and corn.  Now you will pour the tomato over the mixture.

 Now spoon the mashed taters on top of that.  The first time I made this I spread them over the top but quickly learned that you DO NOT SPREAD the taters... the correct way would be to spoon globs of taters over the top of the beans and corn.  There is no scientific 'nor logical reason to spoon globs instead spread.  But if you ask my husband life would never be the same, it would knock the earth off it's axis.

Now just sprinkle the cheese over the potatoes and bake for about 15 (if all the ingredients were still good and hot) and until the cheese is ooy gooy and looks delicious...

Serve and be very cautious this stuff is HOT!

1 comment:

bonnie said...

I have to say shepards pie is one of my kids favorites. I usually always have the ingredients for it.